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Sunday, August 09, 2009 . 4:31 AM

Whenever i feel Zzz + haiz + gg-fied, i will always come back here to write something.

First, thanks to Weijian and Huimin for posting things which i "hoped" to hear. But not much use la, got 2 monkeys come and add on to the "suanning comments" again. Wrong number man, HL. Click on "Hum Ji Niao" and repost the address there.

Decided to remove my playlist, coz i realise the 30 sec playback thing is kinda irritating. Even i myself have to login to my imeem everytime. No music from now.

Waaa FUCK man. All my life now is surrounded by just
1) Pool
2) Mahjong
3) School & No School
4) Computer game
This is freakin...... irritating. This isn't what its supposed to be like when im 18!

Think i must make a breakthrough in my life. Change to
1) Marathons
2) Community and social work
3) Public campaigning for good causes
4) Hardcore mugging

Haiz. Feel so useless. Even feel more useless when i noe of someone called flasher loo. What a disgrace.

Why people around me always follow a certain kind of format in terms of character? Years ago, it was like this. Years later, nth much changed. Until the present, still nth changed. I rlly.... don get the rationale of their thoughts.

And its kinda shameful for me to realise that im beginning to become not much different from the rest. Im still the same as ever, always figuring out what people need. What has changed is...... I don't have any more courage to take on any action. More fearful than before, about being wrong in my deductions. Not the kind of "I want to save the world" person already. And its worrying for me.

Sit-and-watch is probably the biggest source of regrets for people ever. And it's not sensible to say that regrets always come and go. Coz it kinda suggests, people around you are meant to take and throw. That kind of idea makes life too gloomy.

I guess thats all. Getting sleepy. Continue next time.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 . 4:41 AM

Posting again. Nah nth impt to say. Just emo-ing lol.

Everytime i emo is when im facing this computer. I dunno why. Emo in the head, and smiling in front of the screen. Sounds like some tikopeh.

Went in to Facebook to see alot ppl de photos, profiles all these and all that. (Using someone's account) I think its everyone's nature to look at ppl's this and that, and relate back to themselves. Everyone seemed to have so many photos to share. So a moment of thought came by. How often do i take photos? Issit i don like to take, or noone take with me LOL.

Even if i created an acoount of my own, how many photos do i have to put up? Flipping through some photo albums i have, all i have are photos of me when i was in Primary Sch. Now, even though we bump into each other frequently, we hardly say hi. So they aren't quite the people in my network. Posting photos of them might be quite meaningless, i think. Looking at them once in a while might give a sense of satisfaction, or nostalgia. Otherwise, if too frequent, it's going to be numb.

OK. As a good start, i shall begin taking photos when i go to NS! Hundreds and thousands of photos of sweaty bald men in green, smiling and showing their yellow/black teeth, mud stains all over their shirts and faces. LOL.

Why suddenly mention Facebook? It all started with someone introducing me to play Restaurant City. Play and play, find that this web more and more interesting. So i began to use XXX's account to play. Looked at his friends, and all these. I cant create an acoount of my own. My email is malfunctioning. Cant receive the activation email. Too bad.

But when creating, i saw that there are 58433250 people awaiting to add me. Maybe i consider creating another email add. Hmm.

Thursday, June 18, 2009 . 4:03 AM

Hahahaha. Surprise!

I think i lost all my fans liao. Even i oso nvr visit blogs for many months le. Today just went to all the blogs which belong to ppl whom i know. Everytime i look at my com, i rmb my blog, but i jus dunno wad to say and all.

I don rlly have anithing to rant over here for now, not like the past.

Several times, i thought of declaring blog-krupt. Wanted to close down the blog. But just couldn't and didn't do it. What i have written here cant be thrown away easily like my English essays. Everything here has a meaning attached to it.

Lol this post sounds like the "last" post for my whole blog. I guess, my style changed. Not to write for people, but now, to write for myself to see. Or issit bcoz the present state is already GG-fied?

It must be bcoz im not mysterious enough. Ppl know me until they know wad im going to do, wad im thinking and all these. So there rlly isnt a point in reading wad i say here. Everything seems like a repetition. The more i try to write, the more i feel so. Same applies to the readers ba.

New people? No lah, never once thought of making my blog known to people i know from JC. Take it as a break from class politics, gossips, backstabs and all these ba. Remaining in a "可有可无" state is quite ok for me. You need to grow out of big conflicts to gain big bonds. And im not quite ok with having big conflicts with others for now. Happy with everything as it is of present.

Pretty interested. Why other people de tagboard got comments like
1. Relax, it's all over
2. Let nature takes its course
3. Some suanning comments
4. EH post leh, long time since i heard from u
5. Etc

My tagboard.
Yo Long time no see!
Wa this this song very nice.
Suanning comments

I only have "suanning comments"!

Haiz. Lol. The comforting words i need 到哪里去了?

Monday, April 13, 2009 . 1:02 AM

Apologies, again, lol. Btw andrew, this is the first time i visited ur blog. 13/04/2009 1:00AM. Haha. Tags again.

Things to do : tag 20 things abt yourself

1. Emo.
2. Hungry (no, not food)
3. Full of my own logic.
4. Don't like illogical people
5. I dont gamble =) LOL
6. I dont drink oso =(
7. I lied.
8. Always curious
9. Always dead
10. I never think too much
11. Im very stubborn
12. Like all men, ego.
13. Lust? LOL. Perhaps.
14. I like my dog, Johnny.
15. I think school is damn sian
16. I want alot of money to go out
17. I want to learn to cook imba-lly
18. I want to get BMW by 25 yrs old
19. My clique rox
20. Im going to go play dota le~

Thursday, April 02, 2009 . 12:37 AM

Emo. Damn emo.

Upon finishing CT, i've made up my mind to write out all the recent mistakes i made. No matter how disgraceful they may be.

The following will be reflections on general events that passed by recently. Or in other words, reflections for CT.

Looking in the mistakes one by one. By order of which paper comes back first.

GP: D.
Essay failed word count for goodness sake. Lol. Joke.

Maths: D.
Stupid enough to differentiate 1/y as lny. Be it careless mistakes, or leave blank, both only belong to one kind of ppl. Stupid ppl. Amount of mistakes is proportional to stupidity.

50% of the class got A, btw.
D*** owned me in Maths also.

Physics (only MCQ get back): 12/20.
Poor physics, poor logic. To think i tot my physics is ok one.
7 ppl in my class got 13/20.

1 mark, 7 ranks.
No, it doesnt mean im rank 8. Everyone scored 13 and above.

Chemistry (only MCQ get back): 26/40.
Of decent ranking in class. But not of decent score. Studied for quite some time. And only this result. Disappointment. Shows lack of potential / inability to use.

Econs (haben get back)
Studied for quite some time also. Able to answer 90% of the questions. 2 question cant answer. These 2 questions weightage 26% of paper.

Excuses and excuses. Noobshit.

Disappointed in CT results. But thats not where the heaviest blow comes.

On Wednesday, April 1 2009.
One girl was asked to go to board and do one maths question. Teacher limit her to only use three lines working. She did it. Everyone is impressed.

Next, I was asked to go to board and do another maths question. In contrast with the first, I cannot do anything. Can only solve the parts where any Primary 2 kid can solve.

Teacher asked another girl to come to board and solve for me. Stood there, blank, useless, and humiliated.

But facts are facts. I indeed is dunno how to do.

On April Fools' Day, i realised how much a fool i am.

Thursday, March 19, 2009 . 3:11 AM

Damn damn damn sorry.
I din read any blogs for like 2 or 3 weeks le. Din notice i got quiz to do.
Haha, don haf quiz then i rlly dunno wan post abt wad le.
JC is very sian de u noe.

100 Truths abt yourself.

Last beverage → water
Last phone call → One JC Friend
Last instant message → Shawn (jio dota)
Last song you listened to → Blog Song
Last time you cried → a month ago, i think

Dated someone twice → no. once oso don haf. shi bai.
Been cheated on → yes. taxi uncles all scam me.
Kissed someone & regretted it → no
Lost someone special→ yes.

Fallen out of love → don even have.
Laughed until you cried → don have. emo kia.
Met someone who changed your life → make me play more mahjong have. LOL
Found out someone was talking about you → no. no interest.
Have you kissed anyone on your top friends? →don understand q, but no.
How many ppl on your top friends do you know in real life? → all
How many kids do you want to have → depends on situation (LOL)

Do you have any pets → a dog
Do you want to change your name → no
What time did you wake up today → 3pm
What were you doing at midnight last night → PCC. LOL. No la, at friend hse.
Name something you CANNOT wait for → Money fall from sky.
Last time you saw your father→ 3 hours ago.
What's one thing you wish you could change → Amount of sleeping time.
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → No
What's getting on your nerves right now → nothing.
What's your real name → M. No la, whr gt ppl name is M.
Zodiac sign → Sheep.
Elementary/primary School → Unity
High School → BP
Hair color → Black
Long or short → Now abit long.
Are you a health freak → Liver going to GG already
Righty or lefty → Righty.

First surgery → Primary 2.
First piercing → 5 years old. Pierced my finger with stapler.
First best friend → A primary schoolmate.
First sport you joined → Badminton
First pet → Dog
First vacation → Malaysia. First to last all malaysia.
First crush → This is ask who or when? When is Secondary Sch.

Eating → Air
Drinking → Water
Waiting → For downloads to be complete


Want kids? → Atmosphere, circumstances, conditions very impt.
Want to get married?→ Can zai shuo ba.
Careers in mind? → The Sleeping Elder.

Kissed a stranger → not even someone i noe.
Drank hard liquor → YES. AND I WANT MORE.
Lost glasses/contacts → No. Broke alot though.
Ran away from home → No.
Broken someone's heart → Dunno. Ppl nvr tell me have.
Been arrested → Arrested by teacher for ponning CCA to do similar activity
Turned someone down → Secret. LOL. WTF CAN DON ANSWER??
Cried when someone died → no.

Yourself → Strongly.
Miracles → when desperate.
Love at first sight → abit.
Heaven → yes.
Santa Claus → Hey i just msn-ed him ytd.
Kiss on the first date → Im not so hasty lol.
Angels → no.

Is there one person you want to be with right now? → No.
Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time → WTF stop asking this kind of questions.
Do you believe in God? → No.
Is this questionnaire a waste of time? → Not rlly.

Monday, February 02, 2009 . 1:53 AM

Hey~~ Everyone happy CNY!!
Shh, don cheer too loud. Its jus a new post. LOL.

Its kinda late to give blessings though. Haha. But its nvr too late to submit ur AngPao.
E-submission is not entertained.

Its so long since i blogged, so long that i even forgot how to write a post.

First of all, apologies to all fans. I saw your 91259813059 new year messages and requests, but too bad, i was at Malaysia the previous week. Hahahaha. Thanks to all the fans who spent money to make overseas calls too.

NO!!! I dont have 幻想症!我没有!不要把我抓去关!NOOOO!

This one trip to Malaysia made me given up hope on Singapore. Lol. Life was jus too carefree there, and there are many things i cant find in Singapore, but can be found there.

As usual, the hardcore gambler lost again. But it was better than last year. Last year i lost RM200. This year i lost RM50.

Which means my luck this year is 4 times better! YES!


Ok. Dont joke le. Serious.

Being unable to get NAPFA Silver in current state is a big obstacle. Coz after As I have lots of things i want to do. So, therefore, my new year resolution this year is to...

Let nature takes its course. LOL.

Have been thinking alot these days. Yeah, pls don say i think alot everyday. By any chance, if any of you has sth u rlly treasure, pls, treasure it always.

